A a selection of sites Brian M McGarvie has worked on for either personal leisure or through past & present positions.
- web sites
- www.acslite.com – Marketing website for a product developed with my current employer. ACSLite is a TR-069 ACS (Auto-Configuration Server) for managing CPE.
- www.westgatepractice.co.uk – website created for the Westgate Medical Practice in Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK.
- www.burtonvts.co.uk – website created for BurtonVTS GP informational site for those who wish to become a Doctor or GP in the West Midlands, UK.
- www.beroiatravel.com – a travel guide and website for bespoke tours in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
- www.almamlouka.com – boutique hotel in Damascus, Syria.
- www.kilwinningmedicalpractice.co.uk – website created for a Medical Practice in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, UK.
- www.e-loanshop.com – total site & back-end processing work in a previous position.
- www.egg.com – some back-end work in a previous position.
- www.argos.co.uk – some front and back-end work in a previous position.
- www.scottishpower.co.uk – some front and back-end work in a previous position.
- projects
- www.mcgarvie.net/scrabbler – a anagram or random letter solver, give it your random letters and see if you can make any words!
- software
Not all actual software, some are modular components that could be applied to a website – see my scripts section for downloads.- Site Referral Tracker
- Efficient MIS tool for your site!
- Referrer Vs. Visitor Stats
- Customised Stats
- A Simple Guestbook Application
- Site Referral Tracker