Working with Dates & Timestamps in PHP
Working with Dates and Timestamps is always trying, but using UNIX timestamps can save you a lot of time and hassle!
Working with Dates and Timestamps is always trying, but using UNIX timestamps can save you a lot of time and hassle!
Get element with CSS class name or id with jQuery, jQuery is extremley powerful and a time (and even life) saver, using jQuery, you can get elements with CSS class name and id easily without too much blood and tears!
OK, a simple thing I know. But one that always occurs.
When using shared hosting (or even your own dedicated servers), those managing those servers do their utmost to make them secure. Among many things this usually includes turning off ‘display_errors’ in the php.ini file.
However, when you’re trying to develop things it is usefull to display errors and warnings, but if ‘display_errors’ is off, you will be scratching your head wondering what’s going on and whats going wrong!