A question I am always asked is about ‘self-submitting’ forms.
I’ll start off with the code!
In the above, this will simple subit the form and then you can do what you want with it. For example display some data, or if the form was to create a user account to insert that.
OK… you can also process the form depending on what’s been selected/entered and so on.
in this example if you select something, say ‘watch a movie’ and submit it, it will display: “Process ‘watch a movie’.”.
Some additional enhancements:
The form action of course does not need to itself… you can put anything in action=”” if you prefere to process the form seperatley.
<form action=”…” method=”post”>
In my examples I have displayed the form only if it’s not submitted, this can also be done how you choose. Generally these would be:
ex1: form always present (below any resulting processing)…
if(!empty($_POST[‘submit’])) {
// Process form
// Show form
ex2: form always present (above any resulting processing)…
// Show form
if(!empty($_POST[‘submit’])) {
// Process form
ex2: show form only if not submitted
if(!empty($_POST[‘submit’])) {
// Process form
} else {
// Show form