Capitalization for us Mc’s and Mac’s!
Needed to capltalize Mc’s and Mac’s? Here’s a quick function for it…
Needed to capltalize Mc’s and Mac’s? Here’s a quick function for it…
When I undertake developing a website I always try to keep 3 key principles in mind;
1. Simplicity
2. Modularity
3. Balance
Follow my basic guide and you’ll become a better developer/designer…
Just a quickie if you need to replace NL (New Line or Carriage Return) in CFMX; <cfset text = replace(text,'#Chr(10)##Chr(13)#','<br>',"All")> You could also wrap it up in a CFC or…
The people we (web designers/developers) create work for are always really interested in web traffic – LOTS of web traffic. But there is one thing that many web designers/developers and even our clients don’t consider, is the quality of traffic.
We (developers & clients alike) love counting page-views and unique visits but from my point of view, if the traffic you are attracting is poor, who cares if you get thousands of visits a day!
How can we determine the ‘quality’ of web traffic?